Accession: GSE91064 Samples: BY4741_rep3 (wild type), hyp2-1_rep1 (eIF5A mutant tif51A-1), hyp2-3_rep1 (eIF5A mutant tif51A-3) *multiple sra runs for the same sample were merged Citation: Pelechano V, Alepuz P. eIF5A facilitates translation termination globally and promotes the elongation of many non polyproline-specific tripeptide sequences. Nucleic Acids Res 2017;45:7326 Preprocessing: - adapter trimming with cutadapt (standard illumina adapters) - UMI extraction - Mapping to Saccharomyces_cerevisiae.R64-1-1 genome with STAR - UMI deduplication - fivepseq version 1.0b5